Dolphin used for photos at Resort World Sentosa, Singapore

Past campaigns

Past Campaigns

Moving the world for animals since 1950


For over 70 years we have been campaigning to end animal cruelty and suffering. In this time, we have grown in both size and influence. We have helped raise the profile of animal welfare on a global scale, making significant improvement in the way farmed and wild animals are treated.

Sea Change Campaign

Abandoned, lost and discarded nets, lines and traps are one of the biggest threats to our sea life. Learn more about our Sea Change Campaign.

Sea Turtle Farming

At the Cayman Turtle Farm, 9,500 endangered green sea turtles are farmed for meat. We’re urging Cayman Turtle Farm to stop meat production & start turtle rehabilitation & release.

Wildlife Selfie Code

Many people offering wildlife selfies in the Amazon search treetops for sloths to steal. Don’t be part of this ugly picture: make sure your wildlife selfies are cruelty-free.

Animals in Communities

Helping governments to manage dog populations humanely and to vaccinate against rabies, instead of culling animals - especially dogs.

Bear Bile Industry

Bears in Asia are captured for their bile, which is extracted using cruel, painful procedures and sold as traditional medicine. But the bear bile industry is unnecessary – inexpensive synthetic & herbal alternatives to bear bile are readily available.

End Bear Baiting

We work to stop bears being cruelly exploited in bear baiting – an inhumane bloodsport where bears, unable to defend themselves, battle against trained dogs for entertainment

Ending the global wildlife trade

In the lead-up to the G20 Summit in 2020, we launched a petition calling on G20 leaders to end the cruel and dangerous global trade of wild animals.

Risky Business Report

World Animal Protection's 2021 report puts the Belen market in the spotlight, where wild mammals, reptiles and birds are being sold both live and dead.

Animals in Disasters Campaign

Disasters kill and injure millions of animals each year. We’ve been deploying to disaster zones to assist animals for 55 years – and we remind governments to take responsibility for them too

Protecting Elephants in Tanzania

World Animal Protection previously worked in Tanzania helping farmers safeguard produce without harming elephants

YouTube Fake Rescues

In 2021, a World Animal Protection investigation exposed the shocking scale of a worrying new craze on YouTube – the rise of videos depicting fake animal rescues.

Exotic Pets

Each year, millions of wild animals are captured from their natural habitats or born into captivity, just to become pets. Our houses are no home for a wild animal. Learn how we’re tackling it

Sea Turtle Farming

At the Cayman Turtle Farm, 9,500 endangered green sea turtles are farmed for meat. We’re urging Cayman Turtle Farm to stop meat production & start turtle rehabilitation & release.

Civet Coffee: Cage Free

Civet coffee is sold as a luxury product, but we’re campaigning to transform this industry – which causes huge suffering to civets in South East Asia

Humane Slaughter

Since 2007, our work to promote humane slaughter in Brazil and China has helped more than eight billion animals

Amer Fort Elephants

Elephants at Amer Fort in Rajasthan, India, are often controlled with bull hooks which cause wounds and scarring.