Our campaigns
Discover the work we're doing to end animal cruelty. Forever.
Every day, animals on factory farms, in the wild, and within our communities face unimaginable suffering. Humans are exploiting billions of animals for profit, destroying their habitats and treating their lives as disposable.
But with your support, we can change this.
We’ve been driving global change for 75 years—because people like you believe in a better future for animals.
By donating, you’re not just helping one animal. You’re transforming lives, dismantling cruelty, and reshaping systems to ensure lasting change.
When you make a donation, you’ll join a passionate group of supporters who are determined to change the world for animals. We're fighting animal cruelty wherever we find it — are you with us?
Click to donateBy driving changes across sectors and societies, we aim to dismantle systems of cruelty and build a world where animals, people, and the planet can thrive together. This approach ensures that progress isn’t temporary but ingrained in how we coexist with the natural world.
Hold companies accountable for cruelty and environmental harm.
Advocate for stronger regulations to protect animals and their habitats.
Promote sustainable and humane farming practices to replace exploitative systems.
We understand times are tough, and as fellow animal lovers, we deeply value every donation. That’s why we ensure your support goes far. We share a mission to protect animals and with 75 years of experience, we’ve refined our approach to make every contribution count.
Your support changes lives. By donating, you’re not just contributing to a cause—you’re becoming part of a movement that protects animals, restores habitats, and ensures a more compassionate future.
Discover the work we're doing to end animal cruelty. Forever.
About us
Read our annual global reviews and discover the steps we've taken to move the world towards ending wildlife cruelty, forever.
Find out how you can join thousands worldwide who have left a legacy gift in their Will to World Animal Protection to help continue our essential work.