Captive juvanile lions enclosed for breeding

Wildlife farming

Ending commercial exploitation

What is wildlife farming?

Wildlife farming involves breeding and raising wild animals for commercial purposes, such as selling the animals or their products for profit.

This global practice leads to the exploitation of millions of wild animals, which are often sold as pets, used in Traditional Medicine, or exploited in the fashion, entertainment, and tourism industries.

Animals impacted by wildlife farming

Millions of wild animals worldwide are bred and exploited for profit through the practice of wildlife farming.

We urgently call for action to prevent these highly sentient, long-lived species being exploited by commercial industries.


Bred for Profit

Explore the impact of Global Wildlife Farming: exploitation, risks, and urgent calls for change

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Leading industries

These industries showcase some of the worst ongoing exploitation of wildlife for profit. What worsens the situation is that national regulations often encourage treating these animals as commodities, perpetuating the cycle of abuse.

Elephant rides, Thailand

Captive Elephant Breeding

Commercial elephant breeding represents a type of wildlife farming

These gentle giants endure captivity, relentless breeding, and exploitation, all for financial gain, compromising their well-being.

Lion cub in captivity at South Africa facility

Commercial Captive Lion Breeding

Lions are bred in captivity for commercial purposes

The commercial captive lion breeding industry treats lions as commodities, disregarding the intrinsic value of these wild animals, cruelly exploiting them for financial gain.


Bear Farming

Bears in Asia are used for their bile

The bear bile industry is completely unnecessary – plentiful and inexpensive synthetic and herbal alternatives to bear bile are readily available.

It's time to unite against the cruel exploitation of wild animals

World Animal Protection advocates for comprehensive solutions tackling the fundamental issues of wildlife farming. Rather than merely attempting to regulate or enhance conditions, we emphasise the necessity to completely phase out this industry.

Advocate for new laws, champion policies, and actively work to diminish the demand for wildlife products. Through united efforts and strict enforcement measures, we can embrace a holistic approach to end wildlife farming and safeguard wildlife for generations to come.

Together, we can be the voice for change.

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