Meat reduction
Food systems
Moving the world to eat less meat
Consuming fewer animal products can have a big impact on your health, the planet and farm animal welfare.
You can make a difference
Eat fewer animal products to reduce animal suffering and protect our planet.
Whether you choose to go vegan, vegetarian or flexitarian, consuming fewer animal products will have a big impact on your health, the planet and farm animal welfare.
You and your household can make a difference, even by adding a meat-free day to your week – this is still taking vital steps to reduce demand for animal products and will have an impact.
Factory farming: A global problem, requiring a global solution
Factory farming resulting from the rapid growth in demand for cheap meat and dairy products means farm animals experience relentless suffering – trapped in cages, mutilated, and pumped full of antibiotics to stay alive.
The problem will get worse before it gets better, and by reducing your consumption of animal products, you can make a difference. Today.
At World Animal Protection, we work tirelessly to ensure farmed animals live good lives by transforming attitudes towards the global food system and farm animal welfare.
Less demand for meat and dairy products means less suffering for animals. We can all do our bit for the welfare of animals and to protect our planet.
Together, we can take cruelty off the menu.
Quick tips
Ask the right questions
The easiest way to find out where meat comes from is to ask – ask your supermarket, your favourite fast food restaurant, or your local café. If they don't serve higher welfare, they should, so keep asking

Food writer Rachel de Thample’s tips
The author of 'Five' and 'Less Meat, More Veg' is working with us to promote eating less meat:
We have a combined responsibility to work for a world where respect for animals and nature sits at the heart of our food system, which is equitable, sustainable, resilient, and capable of feeding the world.
Our ambition
Animal cruelty and suffering caused by current global food systems must end. For good.
Through shifting attitudes, making small but significant changes, and moving the world to eat less meat, we can safeguard animals, ensure they live better lives and protect our planet.
Are you ready to take action?
Join our mission and change the way the world works through people's power. Take action today, reduce your consumption of animal products and support our efforts to stop farm animal cruelty and suffering. Forever.