Complaints policy


Here at World Animal Protection, we depend on the kindness of supporters like you to protect animals from cruelty and suffering. Your support is of immense value to us, and it is our utmost priority that you are content and confident in our operations.

Consequently, we always encourage and appreciate your feedback at the earliest opportunity. Our goal is to swiftly address any issues and, when possible, take steps to prevent their recurrence.

We understand that you might consider registering your complaint with external organisations. However, we kindly request that you first reach out to us and follow our procedures as your initial point of contact.

Defining a complaint

For our purposes, a complaint is defined as any expression of discontent directed at World Animal Protection that pertains to our mission, services, or processes, and requires a response or resolution.

How to lodge a complaint

You have several options for lodging a complaint, including:

Next steps

We approach all complaints with utmost seriousness, addressing them promptly and courteously.

Upon receipt, we will respond to your complaint as quick as possible, with a maximum response time of five working days. Nevertheless, if the nature of the complaint is complex or necessitates further investigation, we may require more time. If that's the case, we will inform you accordingly.

Dissatisfaction with our response

If you remain dissatisfied with our response, please inform us at your earliest convenience, and we will escalate your complaint internally. We will review your complaint and provide a resolution within 10 working days.

Taking it further

While our objective is to resolve your complaint, if you find our resolution unsatisfactory, you have the option to escalate the matter to an external organisation.

For complaints related to fundraising, kindly get in touch with the Fundraising Regulator at within two months of receiving our final response.

For complaints involving serious concerns about the Charity's practices, such as fund mismanagement or harmful/illegal activities, please contact the Charity Commission for England and Wales at