Uncover 8 Surprising Facts About Zebras
Learn why their stripes are so special and how these amazing creatures thrive in the wild.
1. Zebras are intelligent and sentient animals
Zebras have strong social bonds and rely on the herd for protection and support. They live in structured groups where they form lasting relationships and look after one another, especially in the presence of predators. They also experience emotions such as fear, joy, and stress.
2. They are smaller than horses but incredibly fast
Zebras stand between 1.10 and 1.50 metres tall at the shoulder and can weigh up to 450kg. Despite their size, they are fast runners, reaching speeds of up to 65 km/h to escape predators.
3. Each zebra has a unique pattern
While zebras may look identical from a distance, each one has a distinct strip pattern, much like human fingerprints.
Scientists are still unsure why zebras have stripes, but the leading theory suggests that they can help individuals recognise each other within the herd.
4. Zebras can sleep standing up
Like their horse relatives, zebras can sleep while standing by locking their knee joints. This adaptation allows them to wake up quickly and flee from predators.
However, for deeper sleep, zebras often lie down on their sides.
5. There are three species of zebra
The three species of zebra alive today are the plains zebra, the mountain zebra, and Grévy's zebra. Grévy's zebra are the largest, weighing up to 450kg.
Plains zebras can weigh up to 385kg and are found in southern Ethiopia, South Sudan, and northern South Africa.
The smallest species, the mountain zebra, still weighs up to 360kg and it native to South Africa, Namibia, and Angola.
6. Their stripes provide camouflage
Zebras use their stripes as a form of camouflage. When gathered in herds, their striped patterns make it difficult for predators, such as lions, to distinguish individual zebras, offering them an added layer of protection.
7. Zebras have sophisticated communication systems
Plains zebras use at least six distinct vocalisations. Snorts indicate contentment, while a two-syllable call warns the herd of approaching predators.
They also use body language, such as ear positioning, to express emptions. When feeling threatened, zebras flatten their ears against their heads.
8. Zebras are exploited in entertainment and tourism
Many wild animals, including zebras, suffer in cruel entertainment venues such as zoos and safari parks. Keeping wild animals in captivity for entertainment does not genuinely contribute to conservation.
From birth or capture to the end of their lives, these animals suffer at every stage of captivity.
Do not be misled by tourist attractions claiming to support conservation while exploiting wild animals. Think about it: in their natural habitat, would a wild zebra willingly allow people to touch, handle, or take selfies with them?
If an attraction allows you to hold, touch, bathe, take selfies with, or hand-feed a wild animal, it is likely to profit from their suffering.
Let's protect zebras in the wild
The best place for a wild animal is in nature, free from exploitation.
If you want to admire zebras, do so from a safe distance in their natural habitat. Visit national parks and nature reserves, or support sanctuaries that prioritise animal well-being.