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Animals in Disasters

Past campaigns

Disasters kill and injure millions of animals each year. We’ve been deploying to disaster zones to assist animals for 55 years – and we remind governments to take responsibility for them too

When disasters hit, animals experience the same terrible effects as people: injury, starvation, thirst, displacement, illness and stress 

Our campaigns for Animals in Disasters aim to move fast to protect animals affected by earthquakes, floods, typhoons and other disasters.   

We provide food, water, medical care, and other emergency assistance to animals in need. We evacuate animals from danger, and reunite animals and owners that have been separated.  

Staff from our global response network can reach disaster scenes within days. 

When animals die during disasters, it has a devastating impact on the people who rely on them for companionship and economic status 

More than 1 billion of the world’s poorest people depend on animals for food, transport and livelihoods. 

Lobbying Governments 

We lobbied governments to take urgent steps to protect both people and animals by including animals in their disaster plans 

The message has always and remains to be clear: don’t forget animals in global discussions on disaster risk reduction, disaster plans and investments 

Governments and the global disaster response community know that protecting animals helps people rebuild their lives following a disaster.   

Yet animals are rarely included in national disaster plans and investments, and their needs are rarely factored into relief operations. 

Bringing the animals to the UN  

In May 2019, the world’s governments, investors, UN agencies and NGOs got together at the UN Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva to discuss how to reduce the risk of disasters.   

Animals need to be part of the conversation on disasters. But since we can’t bring real animals to the meeting, inflatable animal ambassadors represented at this event from across the globe instead.   

These ambassadors, from six different countries (India, Brazil, Thailand, USA, Kenya and Costa Rica), represent the millions of animals in need of protection against disasters.   

They returned to their home countries after the event to continue spreading their important message and continue urging governments to include animals in their disaster plans. 


Disaster risk reduction    

As well as responding to disasters, our past campaigns ensured that we worked year-round to help countries prepare and reduce the impact on animals and their owners.   

Through our work, governments, international bodies, and local and national partners were encouraged to include animals in their plans, policies and practice.  


  • lobbied and publicly campaigned for animal-inclusive disaster risk reduction strategies at the international and national level  
  • conducted training activities with local government officials   
  • trained partner organisations on animal rescue and disaster management through workshops 
  • helped animal owners in disaster prone areas learn how to care for their animals   
Villagers bring cattle to World Animal Protection vets
Helping Animals Helps Communities