International Animal Rights Day - A sloth in nature

International Animal Rights Day

Animal Awareness Days

With International Animal Rights Day just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to ask: If people have fundamental rights, shouldn’t animals have them, too?

Read on to find out everything you need to know about International Animal Rights Day.

What is International Animal Rights Day?

International Animal Rights Day is an annual event honouring animals as sentient beings who deserve the same protections as people. This global observance is marked by demonstrations that expose animal exploitation, mourn the animal victims of human tyranny and rally support for universal animal welfare.

Why do we celebrate Animal Rights Day?

International Animal Rights Day is a call to action urging everyone to rethink their attitudes toward animals and build a more compassionate society.

When is International Animal Rights Day?

The event is observed on December 10 every year, coinciding with Human Rights Day. Uncaged (the animal rights group that started the event in 1998) intentionally chose this date to highlight the connection between animal and human rights.

Why are animal sentience laws important?

Animal sentience laws formally recognize what science already confirms: that just like us, animals feel emotions like joy and sorrow. These laws change how we view animals — from property to beings worthy of care and respect. They lay the framework for humane policies and encourage a societal shift towards ethical treatment.

Cows at Pakaderinga feedlot. Credit: Animal Liberation Queensland
Cows at Pakaderinga feedlot. Credit: Animal Liberation Queensland

The rights of animals

Some countries have taken significant steps towards incorporating animal sentience into their animal welfare legislation:

  • Spain’s Law 17/2021 elevates animals to sentient status and even considers them as family members.
  • The UK’s Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act of 2022 mandates that animal protection be factored into policy decisions.
  • New Zealand, Peru, and Sweden have similar laws recognizing the intrinsic value of animals as sentient beings deserving of ethical treatment.

Recognising animals as sentient in legislation demonstrates that a country values the intrinsic value and wellbeing of animals. It defines animals as feeling beings, who are capable of pain and suffering, but also of positive states such as pleasure and joy.

This sets an important standard for how animals should be treated, shapes attitudes and behaviours and sends a clear message to citizens. Enshrining sentience in legislation takes a country one step closer to ensuring that animals have the lives they deserve.

For more information, check this list of animal sentience laws around the world.

You can also visit our Animal Protection Index to find out where your country stands.

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By submitting this form, I agree to receive further communications from World Animal Protection and understand I can opt out at any time. For information on how we use your details, and how we keep your details safe, please read our privacy policy.

How to celebrate International Animal Rights Day

There are plenty of ways to get involved:

  • Hold a candlelight vigil — This peaceful act can start community conversations about the importance of animal protection.
  • Reduce your consumption of animal products — Each meal has a ripple effect on animal protection and the environment.
  • Write an opinion piece for your local paper about why we should protect animal rights. It's an excellent way to share knowledge and inspire change.
  • Discuss animal sentience with your kids or anyone open to learning.
  • Vote with your wallet — Don't buy from companies that do not include animal welfare practices as a priority.
  • Get clicking and sharing with the hashtag #InternationalAnimalRightsDay. Let's make this message viral!
  • Join our community — Sign up for our newsletter and prepare for our calls to help change legislation and end the cruel practices affecting animals. Animals can't vote in elections or pressure policymakers, but you can.


Find out about more animal awareness days


International Animal Rights Day FAQs

Why should animal rights be protected?

Animal rights are vital for broader environmental and societal health. They reduce pollution and promote responsible resource use while helping maintain a balanced ecosystem. When we safeguard animal rights, we secure the planet’s future.

How do animal welfare and animal rights interconnect?

Animal welfare focuses on humane treatment (sufficient food, water, and shelter) while animal rights advocate for their legal recognition as sentient beings. Despite their distinct philosophies, they together form a comprehensive animal protection strategy that pushes for better living conditions, animal protection laws, ethical consumer choices, and public awareness.

Why should animal rights be protected?

Animal rights are vital for broader environmental and societal health. They reduce pollution and promote responsible resource use while helping maintain a balanced ecosystem. When we safeguard animal rights, we secure the planet’s future. 

What can I do for animals' rights?

Join in on International Animal Rights Day activities or spread the word about why animal rights matter. Knowledge is power, so educate your circle about the emotional lives of animals. And don't underestimate lifestyle changes. Reducing your consumption of animal products, for instance, is a standout way to show that you're committed to animal protection — and it's good for the planet, too.

Take it a step further

Ready to turn your compassion into action? Support our current campaigns to make life-changing impacts for animals around the globe. Join us in our mission to create a world where all sentient beings are respected and protected.

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